
👋 Hi there, I’m Jordan Pierre

A Data & Analytics Consultant with experience as a Python Developer, Data Scientist, Data Science Implementation Specialist, and Data Engineer.

I love to learn, create, and think about how technology will impact our future. I write down a ton of what I learn and I’ve recently decided to put it all on display. I’m in the process revisiting and refining my notes from Google Keep and moving them here so others can learn with me. In the ‘notes’ tab, you will find book summaries, technical topics like programming, statistics, machine learning, and algorithms, as well as some of my thoughts on philosophy and ethics.

🔭 I’m currently working on …

  • Client work at my company as a python developer.
  • Building out this website and new blog posts.
  • Building an ML Engineering porfolio.
  • Reading Python Pocket Reference cover-to-cover.
  • Reading at least one book per month.

🌱 I’m currently learning …

  • Deep Learning w/ Fast.ai
  • ML Ops
  • Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms in Python3

📫 How to reach me: …

⚡ Fun facts: …

  • 我在学中文 (I’m learning Chinese.)
  • I’ve journaled everyday since mid-2017 and wrote about it here.
  • I started 2020 with 10 days of silent mediation and wrote about it here.
  • I graduated high school in the Cayman Islands.
  • I love to travel. I went to an international school in high school and have visited 7 countries across 3 continents.

See a map of all the places I've been so far!