MIT OCW: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python


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Review computer science foundations and python fundamentals as I already took Software 1 and 2 using Java at Ohio State. I anticipate being able to pick up on some nuances now that I’m not learning it for the first time and have professional programming experience.

Lesson 1 - What is Computation

Types of knowledge

  • declarative knowledge: statements of facts (x = 16)
  • imparative knowledge: recipe or how to do something (def sqrt(x): …)

Recipes have steps, flow of control, termination criteria, etc. and therefore are algorithms

Basic Machine Architecture:

  • Memory: data & sequence of instructions
  • Control unit: flow / interpreter
  • Arithmetic logic unit: does primitive instructions
  • Input / output

Basic primitives

  • Turing showed you can compute anything using 6 primitives (move right, move left, read, write, scan, do nothing)
  • therefore, anything computable in one programming language is computable in any other programming language

Creating recipes:

  • a programming language provides a set of primitive operations (words : float, bool, etc)
  • expressions are complex but legal combinations of primitives (phrases, meaningful sentences : expressions operand operator)
  • expressions have values and meanings in a programming language


  • static semantics: syntactically valid strings have meaning.
    • “I are hungry” is syntactically valid (noun + verb + adjective), but has static semantic error
  • semantics: meaning associated with syntactically correct string of symbols without semantic errors
    • English sentences can have many meanings (a reading lamp vs a reading lamp) but programming languages have only one meaning and it might not be what the programmer intended.

Languages & Errors

  • syntactic errors are easily caught by the interpreter because the program can’t run when it has them.
  • static semantic errors are checked for by some programming languages before executing but may run and have unpredictable behavior.
  • no semantic errors but poor logic could lead to crashes, won’t stop, unexpected answer

Python programs

  • a program is a sequence of definitions and commands.
    • definitions are evaluated
    • commands are executed by the python interpreter in a shell
  • commands (statements) instruct the interpreter to do something
  • can be typed directly in a shell or stored in a file that is read into a shell


  • programs manipulate data objects
  • objects have a type that defines the kinds of things the program can do to them
  • objects can be…
    • scalar (cannot be subdivided)
      • In python, 4 scalar types: int, float, bool, NoneType
    • non-scalar (have internal structure that can be accessed) (list etc.)


  • expressions evaluate to a value, which has a type
  • combine objects and operators to form expressions
  • syntax for a simple expression could be or 1 + 2

Operators on INTs and FLOATs

  • sum + (result is float if at least one object is float)
  • difference -
  • product *
  • division / (result is always float)
  • remainder %
  • power **

Binding variables and values

  • equal sign is an assignment of a value to a variable name
    • “variable = value”
  • store in computer memory
  • assignment binds name to value
  • retrieve value by invoking the name

Abstracting expressions

  • using names rather than values in expressions allows you to run the code with different values by simply reassigning the variable rather than editing your expressions

Programming vs Math

  • in programming you need to provide expressions, you can’t “solve for x”
  • an assignment always has the expressions on the right evaluated to a value and a variable name on the left

Changing bindings

  • variable names can re-bind to new values by using a new assignment
  • previous value may still by stored in memory but the handle for it is lost and left for the garbage collector

Lesson 2 - Branching and Iteration


  • letters, special characters, digits
  • indicated with “” or ‘’
  • concatenation operator: +
  • allows some operations like ‘*’


  • print()
    • adding ‘,’ between arguments in print() will automatically add spaces between.
    • using ‘+’ between args does not add spaces but all args must be str type
  • input(“”)
    • arg is what will be printed and then it waits for user to provide an input.
    • input will be str type so may need to cast

Comparison operators on int, float, string

  • comparisons below evaluate to a Boolean
    • i > j
    • i < j
    • i >= j
    • i <= j
    • i == j
    • i != j

Comparison operators on bools

  • comparisons below evaluate to a Boolean
    • not a –> true if a is false
    • a and b –> true if both are true
    • a or b –> true if at least one is true

Control Flow - Branching

  • if : / else:
  • if : / elif : / else:
    • where conditions evaluate to a bool


  • Matters in python and is used to denote blocks of code

Control Loops while/for

  • while :
    • repeat expression as long as condition is true
    • if you use a counter, initialize it outside the loop and change it inside
    • has unbounded number of iterations
  • for in :
  • range(5) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  • range(7, 10) == [7, 8, 9]
  • range(5, 11, 2) == [5, 7, 9]
  • break
    • immeditately exits loop whatever loop it is in
    • skips the remaining expression in code block
    • exits only the innermost loop